Corrosion is a major threat to any metals because of the moisture. Cylinder liner is also made from a metal when contacted with moisture or any other environmental conditions can also corrode. When the cylinder liners are coated it acts as a barrier between a liner surface and other elements. Thus preventing the liner from getting rusted, giving less maintenance and consistent performance.
One of the major benefits of phosphate coating is its ability to enhance the wear resistance of liners. Heavy vehicles have a heavy engine which has to undergo heavy friction and pressure. Phosphate coated acts as a layer reducing the friction and allowing smoother operations thus again improving the life span of the liner.
Phosphate coating has the property of holding oil more effectively. This helps in reducing metal-to-metal contact which not only decreases tear but helps in cooling engine components. Also, it helps in less scratches to itself and other elements too.
While applying phosphate might cost you some extra bucks to the manufacturer but proves to be highly cost-effective in the long run. By reducing the above-mentioned point (Wear, Corrosion, friction) coating helps extend the overall life span of liners. This means less replacements, and less maintenance making a smart investment.
Phosphate coatings can be applied to a variety of different cylinder liners. Which can be used in different engine types, from diesel engines to trucks, tractors, generators, marine engines, etc. This adaption makes the preferred choice for engine parts manufacturers and end users worldwide.